Eurocommisssaris Danuta Hübner van regionaal beleid onderstreept in Poznan (Wielkopolskie) gedeelde verantwoordelijkheid van burgers voor een sterker Europa (en)
The European Commissioner responsible for regional policy, Danuta Hübner, will today address the official opening of the academic year at the University of Economics in Poznan, during a visit to the region of Wielkopolskie. Her speech will focus on why Europe needs the Lisbon Treaty. Commissioner Hübner will also meet representatives of regional authorities to discuss the implementation of EU cohesion policy investments in Wielkopolskie, which will total €1.2 billion in 2007-2013.
"The Lisbon Treaty provides the framework for a more democratic, transparent and efficient Europe. A Europe where citizens have more rights; a Europe of values, solidarity and security; a stronger Europe with greater means to act as a global player. Europe can't develop on its own. We all share a responsibility for its future", Commissioner Hübner said.
Commissioner Hübner will discuss the future perspectives of the region with the Marshal of Wielkopolskie, Marek Wozniak, the Governor (Voivod), Ryszard Florek, the Mayor of Poznan, Ryszard Grobelny, and the rector of the Poznan University of Economics, Marian Gorynia.
A new regional programme to boost innovation and entrepreneurship
Wielkopolskie is Poland's third largest beneficiary of cohesion policy investment through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The strategic goal of Wielkopolskie's investment programme is to improve the region’s competitiveness, social cohesion and accessibility, with the focus on the development of a knowledge-based economy. One of its main objectives will be to improve the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in particular by making it easier for them to access finance to boost innovation. In all, 40% of EUcohesion policy investment in Wielkopolskie in 2007-2013 will be devoted to priorities in line with the EU Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs. Commissioner Hübner is also encouraging the development of cooperation and exchange of information between universities, research centres, and entrepreneurs, which she sees as key for the success of the programme.
The improvement of communication infrastructure (transport and information society) and environment (renewable energies and energy efficiency) are also among the region's priorities.
According to first projections by the region, the EU's investment could help create 10 000 new jobs by 2013. 250 km of new roads will be constructed and 750 km will be renovated. 500 000 people will benefit from access to broadband internet. (MEMO/08/116)
The Commissioner will also welcome the priority given by the regional programme to revitalise urban areas. In particular, the regional capital of Poznan has a key role to play in attracting foreign direct investment. Commissioner Hübner is encouraging the city to make use of the new urban development instrument "JESSICA", a financial engineering tool created by the European Commission and the European Investment Bank (EIB) to improve the financing and management of urban development plans.
During the 2004-2006 programming period, Wielkopolskie received €196 million from the ERDF and European Social Fund (ESF). Projects benefitting from this support included the Wielkopolskie Cancer Centre in Poznan, which was able to purchase new radiotherapy equipment to improve the percentage of successful treatment to the EU average of 45-50%.
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