Regionale steunprogramma's 2007-2013 voor Tsjechische regio's bekend (en)
Danuta Hübner i , European Commissioner for Regional Policy, announced the adoption of eight operational programmes to be implemented in the Czech Republic over the 2007-2013 programming period. Together, they represent more than € 7.6 billion of investment from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). A further six ERDF and Cohesion Fund programmes will be approved shortly, making a total of €23 billion to improve conditions for economic growth and welfare.
Commissioner Hübner welcomed the emphasis on boosting jobs and growth: "I am glad to see the Czech Republic has earmarked 93% of investment available for the Enterprise and Innovation programme in the key Lisbon objectives, showing a clear commitment to our common goal of growth and jobs. With the approval of €7.6 billion of investment, we are launching a new era. We believe the Czech regions will quickly master their new role in being directly responsible for managing EU funds and grasp the huge opportunities available."
The programmes adopted are:
-Enterprise and Innovation: € 3.04 billion for setting up and developing companies, improving their innovative potential, use of modern technologies and renewable energy resources, improving infrastructure and services for business, and building cooperation between companies and research institutions. This programme applies to the entire country.
-Central Bohemia: € 559 million for transport, tourism and integrated development of the territory, including the modernisation and redevelopment of public services infrastructure.
-Northeast: € 656 million for three regions, Liberecky, Kralovohradecky and Pardubicky. The programme comprises transport infrastructure, tourism, development of urban and rural areas, as well as development of entrepreneurship.
-Southeast: € 704 million for VysoÄina and Jihomoravsky. This programme aims to improve accessibility with better transport, and to boost tourism and sustainable development in both urban and rural areas.
-Northwest: € 746 million for Karlovarsky and Ustecky. The priorities are regeneration of towns, support for local development, transport accessibility and tourism.
-Southwest: € 619 million for JihoÄesky and Plze?sky. Regional authorities will concentrate on improving accessibility of urban centres, development of urban and rural areas and tourism, for instance, by promoting the use of the Information and Communication technologies in the tourism industry.
-Central Moravia: € 657 million for Olomoucky and Zlínsky. This will be invested in transport, tourism and development through improving the quality of the education, social and health care infrastructure.
-Moravia Silesia: €716 million. This region is a traditional black coal producer. Priorities include regeneration of brownfield sites, regional infrastructure, urban and rural development.
Some specific projects will also target the Roma minorities in Moravia Silesia, Northwest and in the Northeast.
Notes for editors
The Czech Republic will benefit from investment worth € 23 billion from the ERDF and Cohesion Fund for 2007-2013. The eight operational programmes announced today will be followed by a further six, making a total of 14.
In addition, € 3.7 billion has been made available from the European Social Fund for three programmes on human resources, already adopted.
Regional Councils of Cohesion Regions have been designated as the Managing Authorities for the Czech Republic's regional operational programmes under the new decentralised management system, which ensures EU programmes are tailor-made for each individual region.
For more information on the Czech programmes, see:
Some complementary memos will follow shortly on each programme.