Goederenvervoer per spoort geliberaliseerd per 2007 (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 18 maart 2004, 10:19.
Auteur: Mark Beunderman

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Member states and the European Parliament yesterday agreed on the complete liberalisation of the European market for rail freight by 1 January 2007.

The opening up of the rail freight sector forms part of a legislation package presented by the European Commission in January 2002, aimed at revitalising the European railway sector.

Negotiations between member states and the European Parliament, which had to agree with the Commission proposals, concluded yesterday.

The most contentious issue has been the liberalisation of national rail freight services, which some member states have been hesitant to accept the proposal.

The opening of the rail freight sector now has to be formally endorsed by a majority of the Parliament and a qualified majority of the EU member states. This is likely to take place before the upcoming elections of the European parliament next June.

The Irish EU presidency yesterday expressed its satisfaction with the agreement.

"The agreement reached last night will create opportunities for many new operators and will bring a fresh start to the rail freight business across the Union", said Irish transport minister Seamus Brennan.

Passenger services

The agreement between the member states and the European parliament also endorsed the date of 2010 as an 'objective' for the liberalisation of international passenger services like Thalys and Eurostar. This goal was recently proposed by the European Commission.

Proposals by the Commission to liberalise national passenger services are expected at a later date.

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