Lidstaten bespreken Europese defensiekwesties (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Litouws voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 15 oktober 2013.

On 16-18 October national military representatives of the European Union headed by the Chairman of EU Military Committee will be on away days in Lithuania.

On 17 October EU national military representatives will be welcomed by Lithuanian Minister of National Defence Juozas Olekas at informal session in Vilnius. At an informal meeting the national military representatives will discuss issues in the run up to the European Council in December where defence issues will be on the agenda after a long break.

On 18 October EU military national representatives will visit the Gaižiūnai Training Aare of the Lithuanian Armed Forces. Together with Lithuanian Viceminister of National Defence Marijus Velička and Commander of the Lithuanian Land Forces Major General Almantas Leika the delegation will observe the military training. It will be performed by Lithuanian troops who are currently on six month standby in the UK led Battlegroup. The EU military representatives will also make tour of military equipment display.

Later in the day the delegation will visit the Control and Reporting Centre in Karmėlava.

EU Military Committee national representatives’ away days are organised once in a month period in the Presidency of the European Council.

EU Military Committee is the highest military body set up within the Council. The EU Military Committee is composed of the Chiefs of Defence of the Member States, who are regularly represented by their permanent military representatives.

The EU Military Committee directs all EU military activities and provides the Political and Security Committee with advice and recommendations on military matters.