Ministers van onderwijs bespreken nieuw Erasmusprogramma (en)
For the first time the Council for Education, Youth, Culture and Sport will discuss the detail of the European Commission's proposals for the new 'Erasmus i for All' programme, which will start in 2014. Neelie Kroes i, Vice-President responsible for the Digital Agenda, and Androulla Vassiliou i, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, will represent the Commission.
Commissioner Vassiliou said: "Our message to young people is, 'Europe is here for you'. I want to make youth policy a part of everything we do as opposed to being a separate issue. That will mean more funding for youth activities, for non-formal learning and for volunteering. Overall, our aim is to increase our support for skills by offering mobility grants for up to 5 million people in 2014-2020."
More information
Memo "Council for Education, Youth, Culture and Sport (10-11 May)"