NWM Kayseri--''AEGEE,more than you know'' Profile

Kalender (Bron: swedeandsour / iStock.com)
swedeandsour / iStock.com
datum 6 oktober 2011 - 9 oktober 2011
plaats Kayseri
organisatie AEGEE (Association des États Généraux des Étudiants de l'Europe) (AEGEE)


Main info

Date:06.10.2011 - 09.10.2011



Type:Aegee Meeting

Activity level: European

Application: 25.08.2011 - 22.09.2011 (Application closed)

Created by:Network Commission

No. of participants:30

Participation fee:30

In short:Upgrade your Network in historical city ''Caesarea''...This autumn Network Meeting gives you a chance to understand AEGEE better.. Network Commission in cooperation with AEGEE-Kayseri invites you to the autumn Network Meeting "AEGEE, more than you know"!

Are you already active in your own local.If so, it's time to get more active on European Level in AEGEE, isn't it?

NWM Kayseri offers you to discover AEGEE more deeper than you knew it before.

One of the most unique place in middle Anatolia, namely Kayseri, is now ready for better network.

During this Network Meeting, we will learn,share,explore,discuss,debate... and after all, you will have chance to visit Cappadocia!!!

Apply for NWM Kayseri and improve your AEGEE knowlegde&contribute our lovely Network!!!

Main Topics

1-AEGEE&Agora for newbies

2-European Level in AEGEE

3-Co-operation between locals

4-PR What,When,Where?

During NWM we will have discussion,workshop,presentation and teambuilding sessions..

Date:6-9 October

Lodging: Hostel

Number of Participants: 25

Participation fee: 30€

e-mail: aegee.kayseri@gmail.com">aegee.kayseri@gmail.com
